Self-defense courses for women
Self-defense course for women, confirmed with the Certificate of Participation!
Because of the visible rise in the level of aggression and risk in the modern world, our Kick-boxing academy has enriched its offer with a specialist self-defense course which is created exclusively with the thought of women and their safety.
The selected training program has been created from the dynamic development of martial arts and our professional trainer squad which has been trained in the USA by the greatest authorities of martial arts.
Techniques are the classic priorities of utilitarian fighting systems, based on the swift combinations of low kicks, ankle and knee punches, and hits with hands.
This self-defense course is recommended for ladies and lacks of schemes, similarly to Bruce Lee’s fighting style, Jeet Kune Do. It guarantees the efficiency of techniques and the feeling of safety and self-confidence during a direct encounter with an enemy.
The course uses modern techniques and will strengthen you mentally, preparing you for determined reactions in dangerous situations. Don’t procrastinate – feel safe and comfortable.
Self-defense course for women
3-month course (documented with a certificate of participation)
basic defense techniques in danger
training model: in group or individualized
Duration time: 2 trainings a week, 60min/1h each
Enroll today and enjoy your new dimension of safety!
Be prepared for hazardous situations and don’t sentence yourself to fail to defend!!!